
Mission Statement

People for Parks is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to instill community spirit and enhance the long term health and vitality of the community by providing guidance and leadership through marketing and fundraising efforts for the development of public recreation and parks on Hilton Head Island. It is the intent of this organization to effectively manage and utilize their financial resources to establish a multitude of recreational opportunities for island residents and visitors of all ages. 


The People for Parks Organization is a group of concerned citizens who have dedicated themselves to improving the “quality of life” for the community through the development of an island-wide parks system. The first commitment to the community by People for Parks was to raise $350,000 for the development of the Crossings Park.  People for Parks accomplished that in one year. The Crossings Parks was opened in March ’97 with three baseball/softball fields, press box/concession stand, a soccer field, playground area, meadow and picnic tables. The Bristol Sports Arena was added in February ’98 through a generous donation by the Bristol Family. The strategy of the People for Parks committee is to work with governmental agencies and private businesses to develop park and recreation sites throughout the community. Committee members believe we must plan for the future of our children and grandchildren. We need to give them an opportunity to enjoy open space, the pristine water environment, and recreational facilities and programs.


People for Parks Committee was founded in 1995 by a group of residents who saw the need become involved with development of park facilities, because fund short falls occurring during construction of parks within our community. These short falls would have scaled back park construction and eliminated vital park facilities for our children and residents. (For example, at the Crossings Park without the help of People for Parks there would be not soccer field or playground area.)


People for Parks has many partners which include local government, other non-profit groups and local businesses including: Town of Hilton Head Island, Rotary Clubs, Marriott Vacation Club International, Public Tennis Inc., Dixie Youth Baseball, and the Island Recreation Association.